Tuesday 22 October 2013

CO Monitoring Systems for Your Underground Garage

Presently, exhaust fans in the underground garage of your building should be running 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you do not have a Carbon Monoxide Monitoring System installed. Contrary to popular belief, it is a violation of the building code for exhaust fans to be cycled or shut down at any time during the course of a day unless there is a CO Monitoring System in place. Section 6 of the Ontario Building Code states that an enclosed storage garage should have a) a mechanical ventilation system to limit the concentration of carbon monoxide to not more than 100 parts per million of air or b) provide, during operating hours, a continuous supply of outdoor air at a rate not less than 3.9L/s for each square metre of the floor area.

If your fans are running 24 hours a day for seven days a week it is possible that the implementation of a CO Monitoring system could generate savings for the corporation. In this case paybacks are generally between 2 to 4 years. The incentive is double that of lighting retrofits - CO Monitoring systems garners an incentive of $0.10kWh. To book a garage assessment, please contact the sales department at Provident Energy at 416-736-0630, extension 5.