Tuesday 14 February 2012

Renewable Energy & Solar PV Panels

Provident Energy Management is proud to announce the installation and connection of our rooftop solar photovoltaic system (solar PV).

Since 1985, Provident Energy Management has been committed to energy conservation and sustainability. There are several forms of renewable energy including solar hot water (solar thermal), solar walls, wind turbines, and water power to name a few.  Solar photovoltaic is another avenue to clean, green energy and PV power has many benefits:

  • Solar power systems do not release any harmful pollutants or adversely affect natural resources.
  • Solar power systems are fairly quiet and unobtrusive.
  • Small scale solar power systems can take advantage of unused space on rooftops of existing buildings.
  • They utilize Earth’s most fundamental economic engine: the Sun.
However, as with all advantages, there are disadvantages to solar PV:
  • Obviously, electricity can only be generated from solar power when it’s sunny and power generation can be unpredictable.
  • The system is fairly expensive to install and Provident Energy expects a simple payback of approximately 8 years.
The solar PV system was  granted a contract with Ontario’s Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program. The system was connected to the hydro grid in order to qualify for the program. The feed-in-tariff is a guaranteed purchase price for energy produced from wind, solar, water and biofuels. Our system was accepted into the Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) microFIT program and we will be receiving a fixed rate for the electricity produced over the next 20 years.

Although, we cannot control the destination of the electricity generated (for example, the power generated may not be used directly at our office), the electricity generated to the grid will help to power homes and businesses in Ontario, offsetting electricity which would have otherwise increased demand from non-renewable resources. Please visit our website, www.pemi.com, to view our solar PV system’s current electrical generation. We generate electricity even on an overcast day!

Depending on the layout of the rooftop, solar PV systems could be a viable retrofit for some condominiums. Our solar PV system consists of 44 panels and covers 130 square meters of the rooftop. Generally, the panels are mounted on an angle facing south to maximize sunlight exposure. They have an estimated lifespan of 20 years and require minimal maintenance (for example, light cleaning to remove snow from the panel surface). The microFIT program is still available but new applications will be processed according to new rules.  New rules and rate prices will apply but they are currently unknown as the microFIT program review is still underway.

If your building is interested in pursuing a solar PV system, please contact the sales department at 416-736-0630, for more information or email us at info@pemi.com

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Ontario Energy Minister visits Humber College's Sustainable Energy program

Ontario Minister of Energy Chris Bentley tours Humber College's Sustainable Energy and Building Technology classroom. Provident Energy's energy analyst, Jodi, is featured in the tour and interview.

Check out the summary and video on Humber's website.